The term "ecotourism" in the West was officially used at a conference by Mexican ecologist Hector Ceballos-Laskuraynom in the first half of the 80-ies of XX century. It reflected the idea of agreement between ecology and recreation and has gained a lot of popularity. One of the variants of this definition is the international eco-tourism as an active form of recreation, based on the rational use of natural wealth. It involves the negative response of the cult of comfort, mass communications, accessibility and consumption growing number of travel benefits (unlike for example a tour of realism , which implies immersion in nature and culture while maintaining a high level of comfort).
In return, it instills a different system of values, which are the contemplation of nature, spiritual enhancement from communicating with her, to the ownership of natural heritage and support the traditional culture of local communities.
In Russia, around the same time he entered into movement in the course of development and operation of a walking route "Circum-Baikal Railway" Bureau of international youth tourism "Sputnik" of the Irkutsk Regional Committee of the Komsomol (the term evolution, "Ecological route" - "eco-tours on Circus" and finally " International ecotourism ").
In the professional (as well as academic) environment, there are several idealistic definitions of international ecotourism, similar in meaning:
"Eco-tourism or ecotourism - travel with responsibility towards the environment in relation to the undisturbed natural areas to explore and enjoy nature and cultural attractions, which promotes the protection of nature, has a" soft "impact on the environment, provides an active socio-economic involvement of local residents and that they receive the benefits of this activity. " The International Union for Conservation of Nature.
"Ecotourism - is responsible travel to natural areas that promote nature upkeep and improves the welfare of local people." The International Ecotourism Society (of The Ecotourism Society International .
"Eco - tourism, including travel to places with relatively unspoilt nature, in order to get an idea of the natural, cultural and ethnographic peculiarity of the area, which does not break at the same time the integrity of ecosystems and creates such economic conditions under which the protection of nature and natural resources becomes profitable for the local population. " World Wildlife Fund.
On the basis of the definitions are illustrious features of ecotourism, formulated as a set of principles ."Otherness ecotourism lie in the fact that it can prevent a negative impact on the environment and encourage tour operators and tourists contribute to nature conservation and socio-economic development."
For a quarter century, experts have not agreed - that is eco-tourism, calling the same phenomenon that ecotourism is natural, then green, then soft, etc., and even assigning him at times to one of the manifestations of adventure, travel. But it is obvious that the "ecological" it do not thoughts and wishes of the tour operators, and even the tourists themselves, and that taking advantage to nature, they somehow affect her on the ecological state of the places where he realized the tourist product.
Ecotourism - this is the only area in the tourism industry, is vitally interested in the preservation of its main resource - the natural environment and its individual components (monuments of nature, certain species of animals or plants, etc...). When ecotourism process involved the local population, it has also become interested in the use of these resources on the basis of economic rather than seizures.
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